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[Hunan Education Network] Communists have infinite power -- Viewing Hunan Normal University Opera "August First Uprising"

2024-09-26 09:19   来源:Hunan education network   作者:阿仙   点击:

"Chinese people, 400 million/mostly farmers and fellow villagers/everywhere waiting for the spark/once lit unstoppable.。"The barrel of the gun, the lifeblood/the barrel of the gun is hard, the confidence is strong/armed to the front/The Communists have infinite strength.。”


The original national opera, entitled August First Uprising, was created by the Publicity Department of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Jiangxi Provincial Song and Dance Theater。The author recently had the honor to enjoy the campus version of the play performed by students from the Music College of Hunan Normal University in Changsha。The play takes the August 1 Nanchang Uprising as the creation background, and artistically reproduces the historic feat of the Communist Party of China's independent armed leadership to launch the first shot against the Kuomintang reactionaries and create the people's army。


We also see a lot of movies and TV plays,Like in the TV show "Just the Boys",青年毛泽东在湖南一师期间求学、交友、作社会调查的故事与言行;又比如在电影《博彩平台推荐》中,The fifth counter-encirclement and suppression failed,To preserve fighting strength,The Central Red Army was forced to make a major strategic shift,毛泽东、周恩来实事求是、运筹帷幄、决胜千里的种种伟迹和英明决断。

And like this is presented by Western stage art,A drama in which the action is explained and expressed mainly or entirely by singing and music,A large-scale exhibition of historical events at the major moments of the Chinese Revolution in 1927,It is re-created by teachers and students according to the original script,Most of the actors were undergraduate students,The stage is full of vigorous youth and simple atmosphere of the works,Still rare。

August First Uprising opera,It mainly uses aria, recital, chorus and other artistic forms,It shows the historical background of the Great Revolution, the current situation of people's livelihood in Nanchang and the whole country, the organization and development of the Communist Party of China, the meeting that decided the uprising, the contradictions and debates within the party, the resolution and the traitor's informant, the uprising action, and the vivid story of the victory of the revolution!

Compared with the original production of the opera "August Uprising" (Hunan Normal University professor Shi Yijie played Zhou Enlai) staged by Jiangxi Provincial Song and Dance Theater, although the students only presented part of the content, they performed the main arias and some encores under the opera story line more seriously and completely。

The opera "August First Uprising" (campus version) is directed by Wu Shan, a young teacher from Hunan Normal University, and directed by He Yufan, a graduate student from the Conservatory of Music. More than 40 actors and actresses are from the Conservatory of Music of Hunan Normal University。Shi Yijie is the artistic advisor。

School new media center introduction,The opera was carefully choreographed and polished for six months,Moving the art class from the piano room to the stage,It is a new carrier of ideological and political teaching,It is also a beneficial exploration to expand students' vocal singing skills,Combining red classical opera with vocal music teaching,Let students learn professional knowledge in drama,Pass on the red gene in the show,Truly feel the "pursuit of truth, firm faith, courage to fight, not afraid of sacrifice, dare to be the first, pioneering and innovative" spirit connotation。A paragraph of moving lyrics, a scene of tragic pictures, so that the teachers and students present very moved。

At the curtain call of the whole play, all the actors recited, "One person's faith is lone courage, two people's faith is love, a group of people's faith is like-minded, a nation's faith is China," which pushed the performance to a new climax。

Many people compare opera to "a royal crown."。The students of Hunan Normal University held this elegant "crown" in their hands and performed the most impressive drama in the history of Chinese revolution. Such an attempt and exploration is a very commendable action in itself。The school takes this performance as a "music party lesson" at the same time, which gives another special value and meaning!(A Xian, Commentator of this website)

Original link:http://jyw.hnedu.cn/zx/pl/3084350.shtml

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